Congress Could Save Untold Billions If It Cuts Out The Budget ‘Gimmicks,’ Heritage Says

by Ireland Owens at CDN - Congress could save billions by closing federal budget “loopholes” that have cost taxpayers more than $300 billion, a forthcoming report from the Heritage Foundation reveals. The draft of the new report, first obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation, highlights how spending recently enacted by Congress has been “nowhere near responsible.” … Click to read the rest HERE-> Congress Could Save Untold Billions If It Cuts Out The Budget ‘Gimmicks,’ Heritage Says first posted at Conservative Daily News

Congress Could Save Untold Billions If It Cuts Out The Budget ‘Gimmicks,’ Heritage Says

by Ireland Owens at CDN -

Federal spending national debt

Congress could save billions by closing federal budget “loopholes” that have cost taxpayers more than $300 billion, a forthcoming report from the Heritage Foundation reveals. The draft of the new report, first obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation, highlights how spending recently enacted by Congress has been “nowhere near responsible.” …

Click to read the rest HERE-> Congress Could Save Untold Billions If It Cuts Out The Budget ‘Gimmicks,’ Heritage Says first posted at Conservative Daily News

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